Get Involved

The Montessori program is based on the notion that family, working with the school, will provide the optimal success for each child. Parent involvement in the school life ensures the development of this partnership.


Office Manager
Email Jasmin Medina-Drexler

Community of Montessori Parents

We have a strong parent advocacy and involvement group: Community of Montessori Parents (CoMP). There are many ways to be involved and support the school by joining our CoMP group and their talent and advocacy has paved a successful path for our school. You can send your contact information to them at email Information, and you can “Like” our Facebook page, Spokane Montessori Enthusiasts, and then join our private group, Community of Montessori Parents at Spokane Public Montessori, for information, support for Montessori at Home, and upcoming ways to become involved. Our President, Coreanna Riddell looks forward to meeting you and getting you involved!


Volunteers are utilized in the classroom for student and teacher support, special events, field trips, cultural presentations and guest speakers. Volunteers are often needed for recess, lunch, reading tutor program, the library media center, office or instrumental music program. For our working parents, volunteering can be done from home by participating in the phone tree, and creating fliers or baking treats for upcoming events, etc.

To get involved, please contact Office Manager Jasmin Medina-Drexler at 354.6409. Volunteer applications are handled through our central office.


  • Fundraising at Spokane Public Montessori is conducted by CoMP. All families are encouraged to participate. The funds raised are used in the school for a variety of activities and materials. A fundraising committee is organized each year. Please contact CoMP to assist, at email Information.


When you purchase from RaiseRight , you are purchasing gift cards that are used just like cash. You can use RaiseRight to purchase everyday items like food, clothing, and other essentials. With every purchase, you earn revenue for the Community of Montessori Parents. 

How does RaiseRight generate revenue for CoMP?

RaiseRight acts on behalf of non-profit organizations to purchase large amounts of RaiseRight from grocery stores, department stores, and other retailers. Because the cards are purchased with cash up front, the participating retailers offer a substantial discount. RaiseRight passes the amount on to CoMP. This discount, from 1% to 25%, is given to CoMP's fundraising efforts. 

RaiseRight is a popular fundraiser because families don't have to sell anything, and are not asked to buy things they don't need. CoMP families generate funds by making regular household purchases. Groceries, clothing, toys, gifts, and even gasoline can be purchased through RaiseRight .

Check the CoMP RaiseRight Scrip page for more information including how to enroll.